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【CommonLit閱讀寫作】關於創意寫作Creative Writing的技巧練習

作家相片: Irene ChenIrene Chen

Creative Writing主要是通過主題來喚起讀者情感與連結的一種寫作方式,在講故事的過程中,表達作品的中心意義。通常在寫作中會以隱喻或伏筆等文學手法來創作,但在技巧上的設計,必須考量到人物、情節、對話、節奏、環境、心理描寫和敘事角度等等技巧,並非如一般人想像的沒有太多難度,反之,好的作家更需要針對Creative Writing有更精細的練習。

CommonLit閱讀寫作班中,寫作有三種型式,一種是按照老師規定題目寫作,老師會給年級相應的文章,可依照TopicA或B的方向來組織思考,完成寫作。最後一種可以是命題作文或看圖說話。另外,同學也可以自己命題寫作。第二種和第三種就是用於喜歡做Creative Writing想走文學路線,想當作家的同學。

舉例說明看圖寫作。老師會給一張圖畫(如圖),並給開始的敘述如下。 Story starter Just minutes before, everything had been completely normal. He had sat eating his breakfast at the kitchen table, as he did every day of his life. It was only when he looked in the mirror that he realized something was wrong. For several seconds he had panicked, and a sick feeling grew in his stomach. His mouth felt dry and he started to sweat as he sprinted from room to room, trying in vain to find a reflection. How could this have happened? Of all days, why did it have to be today? This was the most important day of his life. He had to find help… Continue the story.

之後老師會給與問題,幫助學生整理出脈絡,讓學生完成這篇文章。 Question time Why is today the most important day of his life? What is supposed to be happening? Who is ‘he’? What has happened to him? When did it happen? What caused him to finally realize what happened? How will he find help? What will he do next?



Exact Path英語學習精準路徑粉絲專頁: 小孩學英文媽咪頭很大社團: Exact Path英語學習精準路徑/CommonLit閱讀寫作班Line群組: Youtube頻道: True He Education - YouTube 個人諮詢專線:



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